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Our Business Values

Our Business Values

We honor the legacy of Alvar Aalto and we cherish it with the protection decision of the town hall and the original purpose of use taken into account. The Town Hall is not just for the tourists, researchers, and experts but also for the citizens, municipal citizens, islanders, and for everyone who wants to get to know the world-famous building and sense its democracy, humanity, and unique connection to the surrounding archipelago nature.

The operators of the Säynätsalo Town Hall, Tavolo Bianco Oy, and AaBakery Ky, respect and support the worldwide recognized human rights principles and are helping their implementation in all of their business areas.
The Säynätsalo Town Hall is an open visitation location for everyone. We are developing our ways of acting to equalize the social, cultural, physical, economic, and regional starting points of different visitor groups and also to pay attention to diversity. We do not tolerate any kind of discrimination, harassment, bullying, or associating them with the Town Hall's operation. We do not restrict events or their programs as long as the organizers and performers comply with Finland's law and don't support or create hate speech. We judge every form of hate speech that provoke, promote, or justify thoughtlessness or intolerance. We do not accept hate speech related to e.g. skin color, origin, national or ethnic origin, religion or belief, sexual orientation, or disability in any operation associated with the Town Hall. We support minorities’ action so they would achieve an equal position with stronger operators in society. We also support operators who see themselves as strong operators and thoughts so their – often a majority – voice stays fresh and receives an equal opportunity to renew and stay up to date.
We are welcoming even a sharp conversation about e.g. economy, political decision making or action of the authorities. Also, the actions of the Town Hall, Tavolo Bianco and AaBakery can and should be critically evaluated.


  • Our equality and parity principles

  • We have zero-tolerance discrimination, harassment, and bullying.

  • The diverse background of our personnel, visitors, and cooperation partners is our power source.

  • Our personnel works with promoting parity and equality.

  • Our services promote understanding and interaction between cultures.

  • We are a visitation place open for everyone.

  • We open our doors both for local people and tourists coming far away.

  • Our building and web services are as unobstructed and reachable as possible socially, physically, culturally, and economically. Protection of the building sets some restrictions for accessibility.

  • We strive to notice the diversifying society in our services and activities.

  • We require tolerance and equality also from our cooperation partners.