Maaliskuussa 2021 perustettu Advisory Board aloittaa toimintansa. Epävirallinen, eri alojen asiantuntijoista ja ennen kaikkea Kunnantalon ystävistä koostuva, ”raati” sparraa omistajaa ja yrityksen johtoa säännöllisin väliajoin. Advisory Boardiin on kutsuttu ja ovat suostuneet Eila Tiainen, Annika Vandevelde sekä Kuutti Halinen.
Eila Tiainen
"I have been an Aalto-enthusiast all my adult life. I came to Jyväskylä to study history, art history, and ethnology, later media sciences.
The best thing in Jyväskylä was the Aalto campus. I loved it because of its atmosphere. My favorite place was the Café in the main building. The student house was under construction, and the old maestro visited Jyväskylä quite often with his wife, Elissa. I had the opportunity to meet them both because I was active in the student union.
I became neither teacher nor a researcher but a journalist. I have worked many years for Yle Finland and SVT Sweden as a reporter and producer. Nowadays, I'm mainly writing. I was also teaching tv- and radio work at the University of Jyväskylä.
I'm a politician, too. I have been a member of the Finnish Parlament. Today I work as second vice-chair of the City Board Jyväskylä.
I live in Muuratsalo. Both Town Hall and Experimental House are, to me, very familiar."
Annika Vandevelde
Annika’s eldest daughter wrote:
“Annika has long been immersed in a variety of creative fields: knitting, traditional crafts, classical singing and interior design. Today, she works as a voice and sound therapist who likes to help people find balance, by grounding them in their body and environment. During her first visit to Säynätsalo, she noticed right away how Aalto’s Town Hall invites balance: between human and nature, silence and sound, rest and creativity. She’s excited to let others discover what this place can bring out for them.”
Kuutti Halinen
"I’m an architect, based in Helsinki but originally from Jyväskylä. Alvar Aalto has always played a very special role in my life; already at my childhood home and Aalto has also continued to inspire me in my professional career.
I still remember fondly the moment when I entered the Säynätsalo Town Hall for the very first time and walked through that brick covered corridor towards the hall of the City Council and watched sunlight play on those robust handmade brick surfaces.
I did my master’s thesis on the centre of Säynätsalo and the surroundings of the Town Hall. Though the arrival to the island and Town Hall can perhaps be seen as vague and indistinct it still keeps me amazed to see the amount of cultural landmarks and details from notable architects and artists that can be found on such a small island.
Aalto and his buildings are the strength on which the city of Jyväskylä has intentionally built its image as a city of modern architecture. Säynätsalo Town hall is Alvar Aalto’s most important work. Tavolo Bianco has the great privilege – but also the immense responsibility – of guarding the cultural significance and function of the Town Hall."